Silver Christening Bangles & Expanding Bracelets

A large selection of Sterling Silver Bangles and bracelets. We make sizes from Baby Expanding Bracelets to Extra Large Ladies Bangles. Most of our bangles and bracelets are of an expanding style which particularly suit children of all ages as the bangles can expand as they grow.The smaller sizes also make exceptional and affordable christening or early years birthday gifts which being made of Sterling Silver will always remain a cherished heirloom.

To be able to help you further we have listed the various sizes of bangles and bracelets that we offer with an approximate size guide on each item description.

This means that with the circumference size you can cut a piece of cotton or string to the correct length and make sure it will fit before ordering. Or with the diameter use a ruler to measure across the knuckles.

Please note that although we categorize each item into age groups this is mostly for your convenience and not necessarily suited to you or your recipients wrist. So better be safe and measure rather than order based on our description of age group which is only a guide.

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